Going in, neither myself or Lindsey knew quite what to expect, but we knew we had to do the show. It was a small show with about 20 vendors so while we were getting prepared we weren't sure what to make, to bring. We both truly believe that Sugar Tree Press one day will be at huge vendor shows so we knew that in order for this to happen we had to start somewhere. The difficult thing was, we weren't sure what kind of products to bring because you never know the audience you will get and what they will be looking for.

We brought almost all our collection samples with us, many samples of Christmas cards, perpetual calendars, fill in the blank invites, and blank cards among other things. We did a lot of networking and met some amazing people. We were very grateful for this experience and have learned so much from just this first show. On the way home, Lindsey and I both discussed how we both felt that the show went very well, and looking back there was nothing we wished we would have done differently. We consider it a success and are already planning another show in a couple of weeks in December! We took lots of pictures and had a great time. Not all the pictures made the cut. Some that didn't make the cut include Lindsey and myself jamming to N'SYNC on Pandora and a picture of our fancy new Intuit Gadget that hooks up to an iPhone and allows us to process credit cards and check immediately. Below are the ones that made the cut:

1) Most of our collections laid out on our very nice gray fabric.
2) Minnie Mouse inspired-Zebra collection.
3) Forever (perpetual) Calendars.
4) Mickey & Minnie inspired Classic Collection
5) Day you were Born certificate and Family Tree
6) Our pink bedazzled stapler named Regis (Rege for short). We love it!
7) Woody & Buzz inspired collection
8) Sometimes you have to improvise. Our banner kept folding up so we taped scissors to the back so it hung nicely.
9) Our tables all laid out. A good friend of ours made the structure where we hung our cards. We are so appreciative that he was able to do this for us so last minute.
We wanted to make sure we send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us prepare for this show and to everyone who came out to see us!
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