I was contacted by my friend Kellie who was planning a 'Mod Monkey' birthday party for her soon-to-be one-year-old daughter, Makenna. She showed me several products that she liked and I noticed a lot of similarity in the product design. They were very adorable, however, I didn't like that there were so many designers out there copying each other. So in true STP fashion I started from scratch. Using the colors she liked I started designing. One thing I really liked about working with Kellie was that she wasn't afraid to challenge me. She brought a lot of ideas to the table that I would have otherwise not thought of. With that being said here are a few images from Makenna's Mod Monkey Birthday party!
1. The Invitation. |
2. Buffet tags for Makenna's Candy buffet. I designed and printed these cards, Kellie added the decorative ribbon.
3. Water Bottle Wrappers.
4. This table was set up with pictures of Makenna every month from birth to one year. I made tags to go with each picture. This is one of my favorite first birthday party ideas!
5. Hershey Wrappers
6. The little birthday girl getting into her candy bars! Note: High chair banner by Sugar Tree Press reads "I AM 1"
7. Cupcake toppers by STP.
8. One last shot of the adorable birthday girl.